In Elder Law News

Many things can happen with a loved one’s SSI check (or Social Security check), including errors or delays in getting a scheduled check to their bank account. But if it has been redirected to the nursing home rather than the recipient's bank account, the facility is only entitled to keep the patient pay amount. Any remaining balance should go to the recipient.

If you’re not getting answers from the nursing home regarding changes they may have made in how payments are received, you can always contact Social Security to find out when and where your check was sent.

Professional Advice from an Elder Law Attorney

Helping families and seniors who are experiencing declining health or in long-term care facilities is what elder law attorneys do. If you need advice regarding Social Security, assistance regarding benefits and eligibility, nursing home contracts, and what the nursing home is allowed to do with your benefits check, a local attorney can protect your rights and provide answers.

Search our directory to find a reputable elder law attorney near you.

Harry S. Margolis practices elder law, estate, and special needs planning in Boston and Wellesley, Massachusetts. He is the founder of and answers consumer questions about estate planning issues here and at

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